Hi guys,

  In this blog we gonna explore about different operating system in computer.

There are several operating systems for PC and some common & well known names are windows, linux & mac os.

Different types of users need different types of operating systems. The os selection varies with respect to the work done by the user. 

A gamer needs a type of os, a Microsoft worker needs a type of os, a cyber security officer needs a type of os.

Let me explain speciality of os  on particular operations.

1) For regular & entertainment use:

     If you are a person who use your computer for watching movies and for playing android games using emulator then you can use Android OS for PC.

It needs no emulator for playing android games on PC & you can download any apps directly through playstore.

It is good user convenience & better piece of gaming experience.

2) For best security & hacking:

      If you need to store your files very safe and secure from hackers & malwares then you can use Linux os, there are many versions in Linux unlike other operating systems 

Eg: redhat & Ubuntu as basic and parrot & kalilinux highly secured.

3) For multiple users & lan:

     If you are working on a company that should have a common os then you can choose windows which is good on multitasking and good for lan.

4) For privacy & luxury:

   If you are a person who loves luxury and privacy utilities then you could choose Mac OS which is only applicable for Apple pc(not in all case). If there is any fault occurr in your pc then without worrying you can recover

5) Best piece of usage:

    Chromium os is a combination of android & linux operating systems. It can extend its ROM by sd Card. It is only available with its own hardware.Google's Chromium OS isn't available for consumers to install. But it one of the best open-source os.